RacingBrick became a Recognized LEGO Fan Media site!

I’m extremely happy to share the news with you – RacingBrick was recently approved for the Recognized Lego Fan Media (RLFM) status! When I started my blog last year I was only dreaming about this, and now here we are 🙂 This also means that I became a LEGO Ambassador, which is a great honour and I’m pretty excited about it.

What this means for RacingBrick and for you? As I have access now to the LAN (LEGO Ambassador Network) I will have a direct communication channel to other Ambassadors, RLFMs, RLOCs (Recognised Lego Online Community) and RLUGs (Recognised Lego User Group) so I see a lot of collaboration opportunities coming! I’ll be also able to share with you official updates and information coming from LEGO directly, and possibly will be able to do more set reviews as well!

I would like to thank you for your amazing support and I’m really looking forward to share even more great LEGO content with you this year!

Lego RC basics video tutorial series – introduction

I’m starting a new Lego Technic tutorial series focusing on the Power Functions parts and other electric components that can be used to make a Lego model remote controlled. I’ll try to make it clear and simple, so don’t expect immediately some advanced RC trickery – the aim is to help the ones who are not that familiar yet with the Lego RC world.

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