Lego Technic 42075 First Responder Unboxing, Speed build & review

I’d like to share with you today the unboxing, speed build & review of the Lego Technic 42075 First Responder set.

The box size is average, the front design show the vehicle in a city environment – not an “action scene” though. The back side shows the features and the B model.

The box contains 5 unnumbered bags, the tyres, sticker sheet and surprisingly 2 booklets – instructions for both A and B models. I cannot recall when I saw a printed instruction set for a B model, nice addition!
[amazon_link asins=’B075R17LPZ,B075SDMLZ9,B075R1YT1F,B075QZMNY8,B075SD9MJG|B075GWYHLK,B0791FNC7V,B075GYNXD1,B075GYNXD2,B075GS1NNB,B075GR44MV,B06WVBM7K2|B075GWYHLK,B075GYNXD1,B075GR44MV,B075GS1NNB,B075SVM1T6,B06WVBM7K2|B075GWYHLK,B075GYNXD1,B075GYNXD2,B075GS1NNB,B075GR44MV|B075GWYHLK,B075GYNXD1,B075GYNXD2,B075GS1NNB,B075GR44MV|B075GWYHLK,B075GYNXD1,B075GS1NNB,B075GR44MV,B075H1XL8S,B06VVH3QZ5,B075GYNXD2′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’racingbrick-20|racingbrickuk-21|racingbrick00-21|racingbric0b0-21|racingbric000-21|racingbrick02-21′ marketplace=’US|UK|IT|FR|ES|DE’ link_id=’3a3ad867-06a7-11e8-aac5-95778cda6b92′]

The car is fairly small and despite the size it has several features. HOG steering, rear differential and suspension, opening doors, hood and rear compartement, working 2 cylinder flat engine, working winch and a raisable light tower. Check the video for the details, here are some additional images:



  1. Bought and built it today. Georgeous looking model! My nephew will enjoy playing with it; I know I would have! A lot of features and most happily a lot of cogwheels. Only disadvantage is a way-to-big turn radius. But with a few tweaks that was easely remedied. Remove the bottom hinge of the door and replace the length3 red pin with a length2 one. The axle-stops next to the swing-arms: do not place them. Use a spare brick to hold the axle into place whilst pushing on the front tires. The flat discs on the swing arms: do not place them eather. Voila: turning radius drastically reduced 🙂 . (sorry for any english typo’s …)


    Hi there,
    I saw your projects and liked them. How can we motorized Lego Technic sets? Which parts do we need and which parts suit for which one? For example can we motorized this set? Thanks a lot.

    • Hi! I’m running a series about Power Functions, I’ll publish a video about power sources today. I’m also planning to talk about generic motorization after we go through on all components (power sources, controllers, motors, etc). It’s not easy to define as there’s no generic rule on motorization but I’ll use a couple of sets to show what fits where and what is my approach. About this specific set – the motorization is ready, I’m finishing the instructions and it’ll be published next week.

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