Lego Technic 42078 Mack Anthem review updates and RC mod with SBrick
– Updates/correction of my review
– RC mod with Power Functions and SBrick
This is my first proof of concept RC mod of the 42078 Mack Anthem truck with Power Functions Servo motor and L motor, controlled via SBrick. I’ve also posted some updates and correction of my review published yesterday. I was informed via the comments how to properly operate the crane so I did a test again and apparently the whole structure is much more stable when the trailer is connected to the truck. As you can see I’m not an experienced crane operator or truck driver but I’m learning quickly
will you have instructions on where to mount the motors and what parts might be needed to add the motors? I want to make this for my grand kids. I want to motorize the tuck and the trailer. Please let me know.
Dennis Baker
I made this mod as a test to see what motors can fit and how they move the truck and the cranes. I’m planning to do a proper motorization and possibly instructions as well later but that will take much more time to do.
Hi mate,
I’m deaf also I want to make fix an extra r/c for Mack anthem for my nephew want to r/c remote. That why I like buy order for website also will you have instructions on where to mount the motors and what parts might be needed to add the motors? I need it and please send to me email asap. Thank you
Hi! I do not have instructions or parts list, please check this site they are selling instructions –
HI Racing Brick,
I’m given to understand that this model is not released yet. where did you get yours please. I’m thinking that this will be a great b’day present for my brother as he’s been driving them for 30yrs.
Cheers from down under
PS Cool mods with the RC functions
Glad you like the mod
I bought it in a toy shop in Hungary. Not sure where are you located, but in the US it is already available in some Toys R Us shops, and you can buy it in Germany as well in Metro and other shops. As I heard many shops does not list it online but you can buy it if you go there personally, so I suggest to call your local toy/Lego shop and ask them if or when they have it.
I’m trying to find out from the video. I need to know what an SBrick is. I no that is how you connect the motors to it. I tried doing a search on Lego and can’t find the Sbrick. Can someone one tell me where to find it?
Dennis I already sent you an e-mail about SBrick. It’s really not that complicated, if you enter “sbrick” in google search, the first page is their webpage – You can find all the information you need there and also a webshop to buy it if you need it.
Super Nice truck. great moc
The set is released in belgium 12 januari
When you have the instruction for the motors
Can you send The instructions to me
Would be greate
Sorry for my crappy Englisch
I’m not sure when will I have time to do a proper full RC mod for this set with instructions. If I do it it’ll be published on the page.
Did you use 1 L-Motor for turning the rear wheels and an L-Mortor for turning the motor. I was able to see how you did the L-Motor for the rear wheels. But when you build it as normal The drive is pass through for turning the engine and rear wheels. I was just wondering. O I did find the SBrick and will be getting at least one if not 2 of them. Will I need an SBrick for the trailer also? Please let me know.
Thank you.
A single L motor drives the rear wheels and the fake engine as well. I created a new link from the fake engine to the rear that takes the drive. I’ll upload some additional images in a few days that will show you how I did that.
ok Thank you for doing that. I figure I should add the motors as I assemble it. Then I need to figure out how you did the server motor. Also did you remove the bed so you could add in the power pack? TY
Hallo Rennziegel,
habe Ende Januar von meinen Kinder den Truck zum Geburtstag geschenkt bekommen. Da ich IHN mit Fernbedienung haben möchte, suche ich verzweifelt nach Hinweisen oder Foto’s sprich Anleitungen oder Teileliste im Internet.
Mittlerweile haben wir Mitte Februar, die Einträge zum 42078 sind aber max. Anfang Januar 2018 !!!
Hat sich im letzten Monat in Sachen 42078 etwas getan ??? Wäre schön dass zu erfahren.
Please have a look at this site, they have the instructions available for sale:
Danke für den Tipp
Heinz Diekmann