Lego Technic 41999 4×4 Crawler Zombie Hunter mod

This car was created for my Halloween stop motion animation. I had a 41999 black and white replica built from a 9398 set with the big power puller wheels. I also happened to have a big box of Bionicle parts that were ideal to turn the car into a proper zombie hunter. I did not want to modify the original chassis if possible, rather adding some extra functions. I added a spinning blade to the front, alternating side blades powered by an M motor, and a rear spinning swatter / mallet combination powered by another M motor. Here are some additional pictures of the vehicle:

[amazon_link asins=’B00E9DRUE8,B01CU9X8EI,B006ZS4SXQ|B00E9DRUE8,B006ZS4SXQ,B075GS1NNB,B075GR44MV,B06WVBM7K2,B000EXH3Q2,B01CCT2ZIG,B06VVPJ3B7|B00E9DRUE8,B075GR44MV,B06WVBM7K2,B075GS1NNB,B075GYNXD2,B075GYNXD1|B00E9DRUE8,B075GR44MV,B06WVBM7K2,B075GS1NNB,B01CCT2ZLS,B075GYNXD1,B075GYNXD2|B00E9DRUE8,B075GR44MV,B06WVBM7K2,B06VVPJ3B7,B01CCT2ZIG,B075GS1NNB|B00E9DRUE8,B075GR44MV,B06WVBM7K2,B00SDTS2CS’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’racingbrick-20|racingbrick02-21|racingbrickuk-21|racingbrick00-21|racingbric0b0-21|racingbric000-21′ marketplace=’US|DE|UK|IT|FR|ES’ link_id=’d2a3bfdc-0c25-11e8-9989-0152ab2e84ed’]


  1. Hi,

    This is a fantastic build!!! My grandson would love this.

    I have the Crawler Kit.

    Do you have build instructions that I can purchase?


  2. junioriado04 x

    Hi racingbrick im a suscriptor(sorry i cant speak english) but yo can compare te original parts and te adicional for buy te adicional parte i want build this mod peleas if you understend ThE spanish tell me please

    • Hi! Sorry I do not speak Spanish myself. Unfortunately I do not have this mod anymore, I used random parts from a huge bin of Bionicle parts so I cannot tell you exactly what parts were used.

      • junioriado04 x

        o ok (i speak you in english) this mod can back in this halloween please and you are talented because not all person can build this and say what you dont remember how you build that you are special you can use your talent you must use it you can use it and get the most out of it i like your youtube channel bay

  3. O ok (i speak you in english)no problem its a good mod can back for this halloween pleas and can you put in The pictures ThE control for thise halloween you are a ver & talented person because no all personas can build that you are special

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