**** UPDATE – BuWizz 3.0 Pro ****
BuWizz 3.0 Pro is available for preorder, here is my unboxing and first impressions video about it:
More details will be added in a few days as I perform my tests!
What is BuWizz 2.0?
BuWizz is a rechargeable battery and a Bluetooth controller for LEGO Power Functions packed in a small form factor and it only weights ~70g.

Is it made by LEGO?
No, it is created by a Slovenian company and it is available for purchase on their website.
What’s the size difference between BuWizz and the Power Functions solution?
The BuWizz unit integrates the battery and the controller, you don’t need to have a separate IR receiver. As you see it is much smaller than the AA or the AAA battery box. Since it has 4 connection ports instead of two it actually replaces 2 IR receivers.

Why is it better than the LEGO AA/AAA battery boxes?
BuWizz uses a built-in rechargeable battery like the LEGO 8878 battery box so you can charge it with a micro-USB cable easily. But most importantly it can produce higher voltage – there are 4 speed levels up to 11.2V compared to the 9V / 7.2V of the alkaline or rechargeable batteries used in the Power Functions battery boxes. This means Power Functions motors will become faster and more powerful!
What’s the benefit of Bluetooth over the LEGO IR controller?
First of all range – based on my tests the BuWizz units can be controlled outdoors from ~30m.
The other benefit is the customisable app control – with the iOS / Android app you can create your own custom interfaces with joysticks, sliders and buttons. You can also control multiple devices from the same interface.

Another benefit is proportional control – with the Power Functions IR controller you only have zero or full throttle. With the BuWizz app you can control the speed and the steering gradually.
Can it be controlled with anything else?
Yes, there are 3rd party apps that can control BuWizz like BrickController 2. This application allows you to control BuWizz, SBrick, Powered Up and Power Functions devices with a phone-compatible game controller.
Any other extras?
The app recently got FPV support, you can connect a compatible camera (available in the BuWizz Store) and have a live transmission in the background while you’re controlling your vehicle.
Is this the ultimate LEGO control solution?
Not necessarily, it depends on what you need:
- If you only use 2 channels, don’t need proportional control (or remote control at all) and you only play indoors then probably Power Functions IR control is fine for you.
- If you need advanced programming capabilities or you would like to have a controller separated from the power source then I suggest to check out SBrick.
- If you would like to have interactive motors, Boost-style visual programming and investing in the new official LEGO parts then I suggest to go with Powered Up (also known as Control+ in the Technic world).
- If you need extra power, battery/controller size is an important factor, built in rechargeable battery is a preference then BuWizz is your best choice.
What is the price?
The price is €129 for 1 unit and €229 for 2 units without discounts or special promotions. You can see how does it compare to other solutions here:
Where can I get it?
You can buy BuWizz in the official store:
Can I have a discount?
Sure! Enter your e-mail address below and I’ll send you a special promo code that gives you 5% discount at the checkout!
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